Italian Charms
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Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Suspicion" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Swear" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sweat" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sweet" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sweetheart" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sweetness" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Swift" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sword" Italian Charm
Kanji Symbol
Kanji Symbol "Sympathy" Italian Charm
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Best Italian Charms for Italian Charm Bracelets
  • Wizard Casting Spell Laser Charm- I hope that the buyer of this charm isn't going to have a spell cast on him or her, but if you're into wizards and warlocks, here's the charm for you! Wizard...
  • Kanji Symbol "Moonlight" Italian Charm- This Kanji Symbol Photo charm is perfect for the unique and elegant bracelet. The symbol means “Moonlight“. This beautiful Kanji Photo Charm is perfect...
  • Violin and Bow Silver Charm- Be envied with this gorgeous Violin and Bow Silver Charm. It will be the perfect gift for someone who plays the violin, or someone who loves the graceful...
  • Black Laser Leo Star Charm- The Zodiacal icon for Leo is a lion, which is pictured in this charm. The lion is etched in deep black into the stainless steel base link and topped off by an...
  • Massachusetts License Plate Custom Charm- Customize an Italian charm with your favorite state’s license plate! You can have the license plate of Massachusetts on an Italian charm, finished with an...
  • Funny Cat Black Laser Charm- Who can't pass up this goofy looking cat blinking at you? Funny cat is blacked out and laser etched into a strong, stainless steel base link.